Listening: Royksopp - The Understanding
Reading: Goedel Escher Bach - Douglas Hofstadter
About two weeks ago we had fasching here in Graz. Dont ask me what it means because I dont know, anyhow, this is like the halloween of austrians. People pull out their costumes and parade on the street, after that at night is party time. Drunken boys and girls dressed up as dwarfs , spiders, and princess. Of course this was a fantastic time for a freak with a camera like me, so without further ado here are some of the best pics I got:
This is Chris, he is one of my co-workers, as a good austrian he didnt miss the chance to get "dressed up",
This is one of the first fairies we saw downtown,
Ok, I dont know the name of these characters in english, but you guys know them, dont you?. I'm actually quite happy with this pic.Fairies, clowns and co.
I feel creative,
Now, this is like the coolest photo of that day,
I have no idea what they were supposed to be,
But her eyes captured me for a sec,
Liebe - Love,
Ok, now you make your own interpretation on this one,
I'm serious that head was the brightest spot on the horizon,
No parade is complete without a band,
Der koenig ist zueruck!,
Young Atlas,
This is the saddest mushroom (clown or whatever he is suposed to mean) I have ever seen,
Errrr..... right,
Cute and scary,
Oh this is a traditional styrian family,
This reminds me of something but i'm not sure what,
Another creative girl who got fed up of jumping up and down trying to watch something,
This guy should've won a price or something, for courage,
That day was the last day of Alejandra and Ileana in Graz
Thats all for today folks.