Contemporary Adult Commandments: Tread softly because you tread on my memes

Alright, so Titab is following one of those chains you get on the internet (chain, spam, crap-thread, or whatever you want to call it), although it has now been renamed to meme (term coined by R. Dawkins). Anyhow, I found this one fun so I will reply it, tho I wont nominate anyone to do it from now on.

"Instructions: If you got this meme it means you are a contemporary adult (a thirty-something) or soon you will be one (I am even including 25ish in here!). If this is not the case, it only means the person that passed you the meme can't read, thus you are allowed to skip it.

The general idea is to give out 10 things you *must* do before you become and old bore. Commandments should be based on your *broad* experience of life, that is, a collection of wise-men DOs (but not DONTs!). After you finish the commandments, nominate at least 5 fellows who should share their knowledge of life (ha!).

A kind note for the reader: Please don't be a child and take offense from any of the items. If you do, lock your self in the toilet and scream for a while, nobody wants your shit in the comments."

  1. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have read an "intellectual book" even if you hate it, just so you can brag about it (Note: DaVinci Code does not count)
  2. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have slept with a (girl) friend of yours
  3. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have slept with the girlfriend of a friend of yours
  4. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have realized what is wrong with your country, be able to say it aloud but love it nevertheless
  5. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have a big fart in a public place by "accident"
  6. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have at least one of each of the following: Blog, Email acocunt, private website, myspace website, deviantart website, flickr account, facebook account, comic in your rss reader, rss reader.
  7. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have lived alone at least once
  8. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have stop getting money from your parents
  9. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have fallen in love with the wrong person, and REALLY learn about this mistake (Note: falling for the wrong one and then making the same mistake over and over does not count)
  10. Before you turn 30, thou shouldest have had a broken condom and panicked yourself hornyless (dont know if this word even exists)

England: Stonehenge

So, I have a few minutes rest and I decided to give a small update on this blog (since I forgot the pics of LaStrada at home). Anyhow, I went to England about to months ago. On my way there I stopped by to visit a few friends of mine, Rocio, Omar and Berna. Rocio and Omar live in Southampton with their daughter, Natalia. It was really cool to see them after almost two years. Rocio has been my friend since pretty much the beginning of my undergrad and she helped me a lot everytime I went back to Mexico to visit after I moved out. Well, she is now doing her PhD in the university of Southampton, I believe in Computer Security. When I arrived there she and her husband waited for me with home made pasta (proudly cooked by Omar) and mexican beer. After a few hours of just making fun of the pictures of a wedding of two dear friends of ours (Sergio and Gwendy), and a lot of talking we went to bed rather early since we would went to Stonehenge the day after,

This is Natalia, their daughter, cheerful little girl who causes havoc and mayhem wherever she goes, oh! and whom speaks english with a perfect british accent, go figure!,

And these are my friends on our way to Stonehenge,

Soon after we arrived we got ourselves some audio guides which thankfully were for free (well, sort of since there was an entrance fee)

And thank heavens that they were for free because they didnt have a lot of information to be honest. They kept saying stuff like "why the stones are here?, we do not know", "who brought them?, will always be a mistery", "why were they laid out like this? has been lost in history" and crap like that. So I am thankful I didnt have to pay for it.

The following image might be disturbing for some. This is one of those mexican weirdities, it's El Santo. He is like the Elvis Presley of the US, the Godzilla of Japan, the Schwarzenegger of Austria .... well not exactly but a very famous wrestling figure of the 60's

This is how El Santo sees things,

Oh right, I forgot, Stonehenge, here you go, on the right has been filtered with a polarizer, hence the effect,

And this is me with my dear friend. She said they will try to come visit me some time soon, I hope they do as it was a lot of fun to meet them again,

Oh right, another Mexican weirdity,

And finally, we all said goodbye to Stonehenge,

After that we headed to a nice little town not far from there, but which name I already forgot, damn! I'm old.

This is a classic,

The Wait is always the hard part,

And of course we couldnt miss the cathedral,

Oh yeah, but the brits also have their share of weirdness, check the following pics,


And finally a few snapshots of the funny Natalia, I hope you like them,

And a last one from my dear friend,

Hope you liked the pics.