Hey, this week LaStrada 2007 is on, so I wont be updating this blog (not that I religiously do it). Anyhow, I have another blag where I was updating last year's event. I actually have the intention to put the 2005 year's pics also ... eventually. Well, just go and have a look at it:
LaStrada 2007 begins
Riegersburg - Back to our monkey roots
WARNING: This will be a long, long, long post.
Alright, so Gregor (slovene ex roommate tall as hell) is working now at a rock climbing park in Riegersburg http://www.naturbursch.at/. He organized some of us so that we could enjoy the park at some very affordable prices. We were about 12 people, most were slovenes, some austrians and a couple of auslaendern (including me). It was quite a fun place and as soon as my arms and my ass recover from the pain, I would do it again. So, here we go:
Starring: Maya, Matej, Dido, Katja, David and The Mexican.... alright there were more but these are the only pics I got.
So we all climbed up to an 8 meters tall platform, some by pure strength and some with a little help ;)
I was the first to climb, then the girls came leaving their boyfriends on the ground ;)
And so, off we went, I will only show a few snapshots of some of the things we got to do. David is doing ... i dont know what. Michael iss hanging from three ropes, check how high that is. And Lisa is panicking
I like these snapshots a lot. Check out Maya with the Riegersburg castle on the background. And Dido (who reportedly was afraid of the heights) showing some muscle to get pass those ropes
These two are the coolest of the set. David and meself
On the left I am crossing a "bridge" made only on ropes while Nina and Elvis cross the wooden bridge (though granted with nothing to hang on to)
Matej showing some balance in the single wood pass, Dido struggling on one of the longest paths and a little scene with a bunch of us.
Look mom!, I can do a 4 with my legs!!. Then Michael and Katja and Maya laugh
At the end we were exhausted. After a couple of hours of working out your arms and back you feel like just lying on the grass and passing out
In spanish, we call this "El muertito", Matej, Maya and me.
Alright, this one deserves mentioning: There was one "dare" were you had to jump from one platform to the next, no hands, nothing to hang on to, nothing. I was scare shitless. Check out the perspective from Katja, and Michael doing the thing.
But we all did it. Matej, Katja, Elvis, Me, and Maya. Most of us agree this was one of the worst.
I like this scene a lot. Maya fumbling with the three-ropes pass.
Oh, this one was hard. It required a lot of strength in your arms. Me and Michael in this pic.
Check out how the thing looked:
Look mom!, I can do a 4 with my legs!!. Then Michael and Katja and Maya laugh
At the end we were exhausted. After a couple of hours of working out your arms and back you feel like just lying on the grass and passing out
But then ... what we all were fearing. You had to get down somehow, and a ladder was not an option. .... Solution: You jump from the 8 meter tall platform (three girls holding you by your rope). And you have to do that all by yourself. Matej was the first:
Michael did a great jump,
Then I crossed to the other side. Check out how Elvis did:
An Maya, actually, this look is scarier
And then me. I almost peed in my pants,
But the truly horrifying thing was this. A 6 meter tall post. Nothing holding hit, absolutely nothing. Weak enough that it moves with the wind. You have to climb up. Stand on a little tiny platform of about 10cm radius. Stand up straight, count to three, and jump!!
And this is me:
I chose Matej to be the next,
Then Maya,


Lisa had a hard time (as did I) on the top. But in the end, she stood up and jumped. I think for those of us whom it is the most difficult appreciate it the best. Respect Lisa,

Michael did again a great jump,

And so did David,


And then, our very own Dr. G, let himself go,

Next we did some rock climbing. Which was piece of cake after the jump. This is me on level 5 (out of 8 if im not mistaken)

Dido, Michael, Katja and Elvis. It was actually quite fun and we all tried it. Katja had a 30.6 secs record on level 5.

Katja again in level 5+, Nina, Matej and David who was unbelievably good. Check out that pose!

Then we all had dinner, with music and food. But I wont show pictures of that because theyre too dark. In the morning I woke up early just to see the sunrise,

And then I tried again, this time level 5+. But I couldnt finish the thing, my arms were just too tired. I am confident next time I will do it however.

The beautiful castle of Riegersburg was a perfect background. We went to visit it afterwards, and there I got a pic of Matej and Maya on a perfect European snapshot.

We had a nice view of the Suedsteirermark,

But ok, this is long enough. I leave you all with this funny pic,
