Express summer break in croatia to go please
First of all, this will be a long long long post, with lots of pictures so I recommend you to be patient, because the pictures are quite nice.
Ok, the thing was this: Back in the summer I had no plans on doing anything nor going anywhere because I usually take all my vacations in Mexico with my family, however, this year Eno (Paki's boyfriend) was going to Albania and he told Paki and Mercedes that he could drop them anywhere they wanted if it was on his way home. So, these girls told me if I wanted to spend an express vacation of 3 days at the beach in Croatia, to which of course I agreed =]. So I contacted Martha, a girl that was doing her Erasmus here last year (her topic was something in the lines of "Social implications of Electronic Music in todays Culture", how cool is that?), so she gaves us some advice of what to do and where to go. In the end we settled for this island called Krk (no idea how to pronounce that), but I told the girls that it was worth going to Zagreb at least for one day, as that city is also quite beautiful. So, here we go:
Eno of course was driving as he is the only one with a license
And thats the pakistran.
I have no idea why but this pic makes me laugh a lot
Once we arrived in Zagreb we settled ourselves in this small youth hostel more or less downtown, buzzpackers or something like that, quite decent and clean I must say. Plus, the owners shared some beer with me, one of them was Japanese, we had some nice talks, too bad I dont have pictures of them. Among the other guests were a couple, a Canadian and an Austrian and some others from the US
Once we were settled we went for a night tour in downtown Zagreb, that city is just way cool. This is Mercedes and me.And this is me being silly
They liked the tram so they asked for a picture with it (which you can barely see by the way)
So then we went to a sort of "drinking quarter" more like a street actually. It was extremely lively with lots of people, singing, drinking, and eating, so of course we joined in :)Then Martha joined us! it was so cool to see her again, plus we were quite thankful for all her help.
The day after I found this, extra points if you tell me why is it important.
Silly Spaniards
That morning we had coffee downtown in a place called "The square of the roses" or something like that. There we found the Volkswagen Cafe :)
For some reason they wanted a pic with this Coca Cola truck
And this is the Opera house of Zagreb, isnt this building impressive?
You know? the girls kept asking me for pictures of every little stupid building that came accross them. And I sheepishly kept taking them.
Ok, this was my idea actually
Paki kept snatching my camera from my hands and took a million pictures in a matter of secs, some of them were of course doomed to be good, this is one of them.
What is funny about Croatia (at least to me), is that I dont understand shit of the language. Hence I giggle like a 5 year old girl everytime I see one of those words with 20 consonants and no vowel anywhere near.
This church is quite cool, but was under construction unfortunately :(
I dont know a lot about law, but im sure doing this in some other countries is definitely forbidden
Ok, this post is getting ridiculously long, so I will continue tomorrow cause im sleepy. Night!
Jede WG sollte einen Italiener haben
Every flat share should have an italian. They cook, clean and are funny, and ours, had his birthday last week, so he made a cake over the weekend.
This time it was an apfel struedel, and cake with with peaches, pineapple and kiwi.
A few people came to savage our kitchen, mainly architects, they are like a plague in Graz.
But they can be somewhat nice people, here Christina, Rosa and Karl. They didnt want pictures, but I think they came out nicely, oder?
These people I dont know. The girls stayed for like five seconds, smoke a cigarrette and left. The guy is cool, tho I cant remember his name.Dido was also here
Simone doesnt like pictures of her, but I think she looks pretty on this one. Hope she likes it or she will beat me till I put it down, seriously, shes a bit ... err ... untamed for lack of a better word.
Grega and Katja stopped by after they came from the Opera. Somehow I always manage to get the wrong subject on focus
Hahahah, this couple was really nice. They know each other since kindergarten!!!. If I had to title this pic it would be:
WTF and Laugh
Anyway, since this blog is about the birthday man, I might just as well put a couple more pics.
Here preparing a gefuellte hendl.
And of course, Die Heilige couldnt resist herself
Whats funny its how longingly he looks at the chicken once its done
But in the end it looked quite ok
And tasted also good. Hence the title of this post.
Pissed off
You know?, I am really not a person easy to get mad at anything or anyone. I guess I have a thick layer of tolerance against others. There are two things, however, that anybody who knows me for some time should know about me. I hate waiting. And I hate incompetence. This week it was nicely flavored by both from people linked to me from all around the globe.
Thank the fucking heaven it is fucking friday.
Anyhow, just go and look at my latest dA submition. It actually made me laugh for a couple of secs.
As of November 2006
This is the status
create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands
Semana Santa 2006
Katja and Gregor invited me to go with them to Slovenia to spend my easter with them. We went to Bled, and ... to ..., alright slovene names are quite hard to remember, point is we went to a few places and it was a lot of fun.
For some reason Katja likes to clean windshields. I gave her one euro after she was done
Slovenia is fuckin beautiful
They took me first to this place called Vintgar Gorje or whatever. Funny thing is that I have been looking for this place for like 3 years. First time I came I met a couple of guys (Alejandro, Canadian and Humi, Japanese) and together we tried to find this thing, but we got lost in the woods. Too bad they were one of those "backpacking friends" you meet only for a couple of days in your life. It would be nice to show them how the place was like
After that, they took me to have some pizza in a reeeeeaaaaallllyyy nice place, unbelievable view, look.
Then we went to Bled and we rowed to the middle island. This is the Gregor who did the first rowing.
Oh!, thats when I met Barbara by the way. I should call her or something, she kept my lonely planet guide to slovenia.
Damn! check out this view
Funny thing is that this picture has a meaning to me. Which I wont explain.
This is the Katja rowing on the way back
I just realized that I took a bunch of nice pics of Gregor on this trip. I have loads of them. Here he is with the "Captain" that lent us the boat. =P
What was that phrase? "Is never to dark to look cool" or something like that.
Here with the Katja
Here is where we slept that night
I was sooooooooooooo tired. I fell asleep almost instantly, tho I managed to give a peace sign just in time.
These kids were playing something regarding easter, but I never understood the rules of the game
Then we went to this sort of canyon with a water fall and everything (including snow to which I was unprepared)
The classic
My feet were all soaked
Check out these landscapes
Then we climbed a tree =P
And in the end we went to Kaernten to the house of Gregor's father. It was one of those visits where everything is just so cool. We even have geese!
Then I went back by train
Hope you guys liked the pics. There are actually quite a few other pics worth seeing, but this blog is just way to long already. I better go home, night.