Every flat share should have an italian. They cook, clean and are funny, and ours, had his birthday last week, so he made a cake over the weekend.
This time it was an apfel struedel, and cake with with peaches, pineapple and kiwi.
A few people came to savage our kitchen, mainly architects, they are like a plague in Graz.
But they can be somewhat nice people, here Christina, Rosa and Karl. They didnt want pictures, but I think they came out nicely, oder?
These people I dont know. The girls stayed for like five seconds, smoke a cigarrette and left. The guy is cool, tho I cant remember his name.Dido was also here
Simone doesnt like pictures of her, but I think she looks pretty on this one. Hope she likes it or she will beat me till I put it down, seriously, shes a bit ... err ... untamed for lack of a better word.
Grega and Katja stopped by after they came from the Opera. Somehow I always manage to get the wrong subject on focus
Hahahah, this couple was really nice. They know each other since kindergarten!!!. If I had to title this pic it would be:
WTF and Laugh
Anyway, since this blog is about the birthday man, I might just as well put a couple more pics.
Here preparing a gefuellte hendl.
And of course, Die Heilige couldnt resist herself
Whats funny its how longingly he looks at the chicken once its done
But in the end it looked quite ok
And tasted also good. Hence the title of this post.
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