Birthday Party

Three leos were living in this WG. Georg, 11th of August, Gregor, 28th of July, Me, 6th of August. Katja was actually surprised that we didnt tear ourselves apart. Anyway, we made a party together I believe it was on the 10th of August. Of course I never posted the pictures, but here they go.

This is how our fridge looked that day

This is the Elisabeth making Pole and the Gregor just being silly. That day I made a Guacamole and Spanish Sangria (go figure)

Alles gut Leoben

These are some of my colleagues from work
And these are some random people I dont know
No wait, I do know them =P

And these are Hildergard, Daniel and his girlfriend

The argentinian reseaarcher, the Albanian DJ and the Austrian Globetrekker
Die Maedels!

The Chu and his buddy, whos name I forgot already

And these are the cakes. One made by Katja and the other made by Hildegard, I am actually still pissed at this last one cause she didnt even say "alles gut" *dignified*