Saw it at the store.
Waited two hours. Couldnt stand it. Went back to the store. Bought it.
Opened it.
Admired it.
Ate it.
I am such a foreigner.
Die Aufzeichnung eines Touristen
Housewarming party, Slovenian style
How you guys doin? ............ <- Cheesy line, I know.
Well, here I am again, trying to update some recent pics on this blog. Last weekend I was invited to Gregor+Katja's house warming party. They moved recently to Riegersburg, right behind the castle to a Villa. So we ended up having a small BBQ style party on their backyard. And here are the pics:
Vanja and Katja were the main cooks. We had some gulasch style food. Quite tasty actually.
Matej and Maya also came to visit all the way from Vienna and Corinthia. It is cool to see these two even if its for a short time.
Those smile cant get any better,
Oh wait, they can. This is Mara, the daughter of Luisa (boss of Gregor). She's about 1 year old and extremely cute,
Vanja having some apfelstrudel
with Katja,
And Daughter,
And grega,
Silly Slovenes,
Silly Mexican for that matter,
The Barbaras arrived later, it was cool to see them both after quite some time,
The Krevs,
The Mexican talking up the Lawyer
They are the funny ones :D
And Rolland, whom I met the other day in Graz by the way,
This guy,This other one,
Next day we climbed the Riegersburg castle in the morning after a coffee. It was quite a pleasant walk.
Until she did this,
The other Barbara and I got yelled at for this pic,
And I leave you with this postcard,
You guys should seriously visit Riegersburg. It's fun.
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Alright, I guess I am going to take a few more mins to provide another update. I will be quick with the text tho.
About 3 weeks ago I went to Innsbruck. City in west Austria right in the middle of the alps. I went to present a demonstration and conduct some testing with a colleague of mine, Gerhard Schall. Well, it turns out that Tyrol (region whose capital is Innsbruck itself) is gorgeous!. Is one of the very few places where I've said: I wouldnt mind if I had grown up here (I can hear the Mexicans gasping). So to the point, the place is quite beautiful and I will show you a few snapshots right now.
This is Tyrol,
Sorry about the reflections, all of these pics were taken from the train.
That day we explored the city of Innsbruck a bit. This is I believe, the hofburg.
And the river Inn. Look at that backdrop!I was there, I swear, I can prove it!,
Right ...
We got there earlier so we could test the stuff. It was nice to have such view as background.
The city itself is also beautiful, and I dont say that about every city I visit.
At night, we had some dinner, I had a speck knodel, and Gerhard beer,
After that, the way home was a bit scary because theres not a lot of light on the street,But our hotel was in a very nice area
We had to walk a bit up the mountain, but the quiet and the view was worth it
Ok, this one was more scary than impressive,
The last day was a bit rainy, but that just made the landscape even prettier :)
Hope you enjoyed the pics,